Signing a memorandum of understanding between Shahid Beheshti University and ECO Cultural Institute

The Memorandum of Understanding between Shahid Beheshti University and the ECI Cultural Institute was signed on Tuesday, 8 September 2020.
According to the International Scientific Cooperation Directorate, Dr. Nasiri Gheidari, President of Shahid Beheshti University, met Dr. Sarvar Bakhti, President of the ECI Cultural Institute (ECI) and the accompanying delegation. During the meeting, a memorandum of understanding was signed to expand joint cooperation. The above memorandum has been prepared by the International Scientific Cooperation Directorate of the university.
The meeting was organized by the Director of International Scientific Cooperation. Ms. Mirbagheri, Director of International Relations at ECO, Ms. Nazari, Representative of Afghanistan at ECO, Mr. Shah Mansour Shahmirza, Tajik expert at ECO, and Dr. Nosratzadegan, Director of ECO. Accompanied by Dr. Sarvar Bakhti. Dr. Rasouli, Advisor to the President and Director of the Department of Public Relations, Dr. Khatami, Head of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Dr. Saeedi, Head of the Faculty of Theology, Dr. Ahmadvand, Vice Chancellor for Research of the faculty of Theology, and Dr. Karimian, International Scientific Cooperation Directorate of the university attended the meeting.
Dr. Nasiri, President of Shahid Beheshti University while welcoming the audience, indicate to the nationality and homeland of Dr. Sarwar Bakhti, President of ECO Cultural Institute, , said: Tajikistan is respected by us both in terms of common culture and language and as a friend and neighbor, and we are eager for mutual communication and interaction.
Referring to the cultural and historical ties between the Persian-speaking countries, he said: “The division of the languages of Tajikistan, Iran and Afghanistan into three languages, Tajik, Persian and Dari, is a matter of fact. The fact is that the source of all this is the same.” Mother tongue should not be neglected; Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan are one of the main areas of the great Aryan civilization. I hope that we will be able to carry out joint activities in line with the tasks of the ECO Institute, especially in the field of universities. A common language binds countries together like a strong string. By introducing a common heritage to the world and carrying out joint scientific and research activities, we can add to the growth and richness of the glorious Iranian civilization.
Referring to the memorandum of understanding, Dr. Nasiri stated: “Considering the mission of the ECO Cultural Institute in protecting the rich and common cultural heritage of the member countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECI) and the importance and necessity of facilitating and strengthening the interactions of regional Scholars in the field of culture and Civilization and its role in the development of cultural, artistic, media, academic and research interactions between the countries of the ECO region. This memorandum with the focus on the culture and civilization of the ECO region will be signed between Shahid Beheshti University and the ECO organization; a steering committee will be formed to implement this memorandum and future plans.
Dr. Sarvar Bakhti, President of ECO Cultural Institute while expressing his satisfaction with attending Shahid Beheshti University, he said: “Ten countries are members of ECO, all of which have common ties; one of the main tasks of this organization is to commemorate this precious heritage, to expand cooperation and strengthen ties between the people of these ten countries.
The head of ECO Cultural Institute considered the important position of Shahid Beheshti University at the national and international level and said: “Shahid Beheshti University is one of the prestigious universities in the region and the presence and activity of students of this scientific center in important departments and areas shows the credibility of this university”. Some citizens of ECO countries have also studied at Shahid Beheshti University and are currently working in important positions; it is an honor for us to work with such a prestigious university. We found a trusted friend on the face of Shahid Beheshti University. I hope this friendship will bear good results.
Dr. Bakhti added: “ECO Cultural Institute is about 25 years old and the main tasks and goals of this organization are through holding cultural and scientific ceremonies and events by providing a suitable space to seek interaction between artists, cultural figures, scholars and intelligentsia of member countries.” It is an echo. During these 25 years, holding exhibitions, specialized workshops and celebrations of celebrities and publishing books and magazines are among the activities of this organization, and I am sure that these activities will have a significant role in the governments and people of ECO member countries.
The President of ECO Cultural Institute announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Shahid Beheshti University and emphasized: The signing of a document and Memorandum of Understanding between Shahid Beheshti University and ECO Cultural Organization will be the beginning of extensive and valuable cooperation and a new step to expand cooperation. We will harvest. Practicality is an important feature of this memorandum and the priority of cooperation is clearly stated in this memorandum.
Dr. Bakhti, proposing to hold Persian language courses for diplomats working in Iran in cooperation with Shahid Beheshti University, added: “Holding this training course is very important and I hope that by implementing and operationalizing it, we can take an important step to introduce and develop Persian language.”
He added: Persian language has been and will be one of the languages of civilization. Examining the entire written heritage that remains in the 10 ECO member countries, we will see that many of these valuable works are in Persian or Arabic, we should cherish this language and provide its growth and development.
Dr. Rasouli, Advisor to the President of the University and Director of the Department of Public Relations, emphasized on the expansion of scientific cooperation and said: Shahid Beheshti University is one of the largest universities in the country and at the same time an international university and has hosted personalities and representatives of important countries. It has been all over the world. The main approach of Shahid Beheshti University is to establish, expand and promote international cooperation, especially with the countries of the region. Therefore, joint cooperation with the ECO Cultural Institute, as an important institution in the region, is important in forming regional communications and interactions.
Dr. Rasouli announced the readiness to expand the activities, pointed to the strengths and capacities of Shahid Beheshti University and considered the long-standing cultural and historical commonalities between Iran and Tajikistan as an important opportunity for the development of bilateral cooperation.
At the end of the meeting, a memorandum of understanding was signed by Dr. Nasiri, President of Shahid Beheshti University, and Dr. Sarvar Bakhti, President of the ECO Cultural Institute.


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