Sbu University
Shahid Beheshti University president: Expanding the level of international scientific cooperation is an important mission of the university

The President of Shahid Beheshti University Dr. Sadollah Nasiri Gheidari, met Dr. Mohammad Vali Roozbehan, the managing director of Anzali Free Zone Organization, on Saturday, 4 July 2020.

According to the university’s public relations, in this meeting, which was attended by some members of the board of directors of Shahid Beheshti University and Dr. Roozbehan’s accompanying delegation, the parties agreed on how to implement the signed agreement in last year August and the formation of a specialized working group.

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Nasiri, President of Shahid Beheshti University, while welcoming, said: “International cooperation and activities are very important for the Islamic Republic in the current era. The Supreme Leader entered into this issue about three years ago and the Ministry of Science One of the members of the working group for formulating the strategy of international activities.

The President of the University added: The Ministry of Science has a special emphasis on international scientific activities in universities and this issue has been pursued more seriously since 2013 and various ministries in this government have always placed special emphasis on international missions and activities in universities in their proposed programs to the parliament.

Shahid Beheshti University has defined the expansion of the level of international cooperation as an important mission, and in this regard, two plans respectively two-year and five-year programs have been developed for the purpose of managing the international scientific cooperation of the university. On the other hand, Shahid Beheshti University is the leading house for international cooperation with Russia and Belarus, and the Anzali Free Zone is one of the most important free zones in the country, which can be an important gateway for communication with Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia and North and East Asia (China) is the highest level of scientific and political diplomacy cooperation of our country with the countries of these regions.

The President of the University, referring to the holding of the fifth meeting of directors and international vice presidents of all universities in recent weeks at Shahid Beheshti University, continued: Shahid Beheshti University has been the basis for constructive interactions in Russia and in this regard “Raazi-Lumonosov” has been opened, which is a link between the Islamic Republic and Russia. In fact, Shahid Beheshti University is the strongest link in the Islamic Republic’s scientific relations with Russia, and the port of Anzali is important to us from this perspective.

Afterwards, Dr. Mohammad Vali Roozbehan, the managing director of Anzali Free Zone Organization, while expressing satisfaction from holding the meeting, said: “We currently have seven free trade zones in the country, three in the northern part of the country and four located in the south part of the country. Anzali Free Zone has special conditions and features, the most important of which is the climate of Anzali port and being located on the safe and calm shore of the Caspian Sea, which is the bridge between the Islamic Republic and two important and strategic countries, both of which are members of the Security Council. In this regard, we are activating two corridors north to south and east to west in the Caspian Sea.

Dr. Roozbehan also mentioned the four seasons of Anzali region as another feature of this region and considered it as an effective factor in creating tourism capacities in the region and added: Another characteristic of Anzali free zone is the short distance to the capital and political and demographic center of Iran; The location of the area in the northwestern quarter and access to important transportation roads are other features of this area. At the end of his speech, Dr. Roozbehan emphasized the importance of establishing an international university in Anzali Free Zone based on requirements and solving regional and national problems and expressed hope that the existing capabilities of Shahid Beheshti University as a reference university and one It used the well-known universities of the country in the implementation of the signed agreement.

It should be mention that at the end of the meeting, the establishment of an executive committee in order to implement the signed memorandum of understanding with the presence of vice presidents and consultants of the two sides with the aim of determining the mechanisms to implement the memorandum and the establishment of required subjects for domestic and foreign labor market and also establish a third generation university was approved in the Anzali Free Zone as a national pilot.


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