The twelfth meeting of the International Scientific Cooperation Committee of Shahid Beheshti University was held virtually

The twelfth meeting of the International Scientific Cooperation Committe of Shahid Beheshti University, with the presence of Dr. Karimian, Director of International Scientific Cooperation Directorate and representatives of faculties, research institutes and centers, was held virtually on Monday, 20 July 2020.
At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Karimian, announced that more than 350 faculty members of Shahid Beheshti University are graduates from abroad; The prevalence of Coronavirus has provided the potential for faculty members to communicate effectively with their foreign counterparts, faculty members and researchers; Therefore, according to the indicators announced by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology regarding the promotion of the international position of universities and special attention to holding virtual courses or teaching foreign professors in the form of video conferencing and webinars, this opportunity should be used with the maximum efforts.
In following, Dr. Nezamzadeh, Deputy of International Scientific Cooperation Director, while presenting a brief summary of the results of the 11th meeting of the International Relations Committee, stressed the necessity to prepare and submit reports in a timely manner.
Also, Mr. Goudarzi, the expert of the International Scientific Cooperation Directorate, explained the indicators for evaluating the international activities of universities, a statement from the Center for International Scientific Cooperation of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, in order to develop general programs and policies of the university based on these indicators.
At the end of the meeting, Dr. Asli Abbasi, Representative of the Chair of Human Rights, Peace and Democracy, Dr. Salem, Representative of the Faculty of Theology and Religions, Dr. Mirdehghan, Representative of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Dr. Rashidi Mehrabadi, Representative of the Technical Training Center, Dr. Jan Jansari, Representative of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Energy, Dr. Masoudi Representative of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Dr. Mottaki Representative of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Dr. Movahed Representative of the Faculty of Physics, Dr. Sufizadeh Representative of the Research Institute of Environmental Sciences and Dr. Fartash Representative of the Research Institute of Basic Studies of Science and Technology shared their point of view on the raised issue.